Tag an order based on its line item properties

Please Note:

Line item properties are different from order notes and order attributes (additional details). Order notes, which are available in every free Shopify theme, let you capture special instructions on how to prepare and deliver an order. Order attributes are custom form fields that let you collect additional information from your customers on the cart page of your Shopify store and are often referred to as additional details or cart attributes.

What are line item properties?

Line item properties are custom form fields that you can add to your product pages allowing customers to make choices or add information to create a customised product.

For example, if you offer product engraving, you can use line item properties to capture and store the text that customers wish to be engraved on the product. This data is then stored against that product in the order as a line item property.

Line item properties usually have a name and a value, but sometimes they will just have a name.

In the example below, you can see there is a line item property used to capture a name that will be used to personalise a Christmas book.

The name of the property in the example below is book_personalisation and the value is Nancy Smith for the first line item and Oliver Smith for the second line item:


Line item properties are very useful as they provide extra details for Merchants to use. They can also be used as a means to tag orders based on whether a line item property exists on an order or not.

In the example above, the store sells both Personalised and Non-personalised products. They need to highlight any orders with Personalised products quickly so that they can forward those orders to a team that deals with customised books.

Order Tagger can therefore help to identify orders that contain Personalised products by reading the line item properties of those products in the order. You just need to configure an Order Tagger workflow to look out for a specific line item property name or value.

How to use the criteria

To create a workflow using this criteria, click on the Create New Workflow button from the main Workflows view:

Click the Add criteria to my workflow button:

The Line item properties criteria can be found within the Orders category in the Select criteria pop-up window:

Click the Use in your workflow button on the right to select this criteria.

You will then be presented with the following criteria options:

Criteria Options

By default, the condition of the criteria is set to look for an exact match of the name of the line item property:


You can, however, select if the condition of your criteria should look for the name or value of the line item property:


You also have the option of specifying whether the string you enter should be an exact match ( is), or should just be contained somewhere within the name or value of the line item property (contains):


All you need to do then is enter the line item name or value that you are looking to match or find within the line item property:


and the property value...

The next option allows you to check the value of a specified line item property name.

One useful use case for this option is to check whether the value is not empty. If you have a specific line item property name appearing on ALL orders, but only want those with a value to trigger the workflow, then the is not empty option will help you here:

Use the matching line item property as a tag

Instead of applying a fixed tag to the order, there is the option to apply either the name or the value of a specified line item property as the tag name:

You can choose the format of how the tag would be applied. These are the available options:

  • Name
  • Value
  • Name: Value
  • Name x Value
  • Name Value
  • Value Name

Selecting this option will also allow you to specify a Prefix or a Suffix on the tag.  This can help to identify where the tag originated from.

Please Note:

If the value of the line-item property you are hoping to apply as a tag is empty, then the workflow in which the criteria belongs to will not match and will not apply or remove any tags.

Check if a line item property does not exist

If you'd like to tag orders when a certain line item property name does not exist, then select the does not exist option:

You will see the criteria option boxes switch position and you can then enter the name (or value) of the property that you are checking to see if it exists or not:


Flexible criteria

You can build workflows that have multiple criteria mixing both line item property names and values as the conditions for tagging.

You may need to take a look at some of your existing orders to find out the name or value of the line item properties being used in your store.

Defining the Tag name

If using fixed tags when this criteria matches an order, define the tag name/names that you would like to be applied when a line item property is matched (don't forget to click the Add fixed tag button):

It is mandatory to name your workflow to save or edit it. Otherwise, you won't be able to save the changes or even test them. Then, check the summary of your workflow, and if happy, either Test your Workflow against an existing order or hit Save Workflow:

If you want to create a different tag for each line item property that you use in your store, then just create a new workflow for each one.


This criteria option will work if you choose to Backdate your orders.

Dynamic Tagging

Line item properties are not available as Dynamic Tags.

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