Dynamic tags

If you are looking to apply data contained within an order as an order tag, then you may wish to use dynamic tags when creating a workflow.

Order Tagger workflows can be created to apply dynamic tags without any conditions, e.g. every order that meets your specified Trigger (created, fulfilled, partially fulfilled, cancelled ) will be tagged with the selected data value of the dynamic tag that you select, or, it can be used in conjunction with other workflow criteria, for example, if the Shipping Country is Canada.

The dynamic tags selector can be found within the Add tags when the workflow matches section of the workflow builder:

Available Dynamic Tags

There are a number of dynamic tags available to use in your workflows:

Allocated Fulfilment Locations(s) - Tags the order with the allocated fulfillment locations
Billing Country - Tags the order with the country specified in the billing address, e.g. France
Billing Phone Number - Tags the order with the phone number provided by the customer at checkout.
Billing Province Code - Tags the order with the state/province of the billing address e.g. VA
Billing Province - Tags the order with the state/province of the billing address e.g. Virginia
Billing Zipcode/Postcode - Tags the order with the billing zipcode used in the order
Credit card Company - Tags the order with the name of the credit card company used in the order
Customer Email - Applies the customers email as a tag on the order
Customer First Name - Applies the customers first name as a tag on the order
Customer Last Name - Applies the customers last name as a tag on the order
Customer Locale - Tags the order with the customers locale details
Customer Name - Applies the customers name as a tag on the order
Customer Tags - Apply all of the customer tags onto the order
Customers total number of orders - Tag the order with the customers order count (including latest)
Customers total spend - Tag the order with the customers lifetime spend
Customers total spend (Excluding current order) - Tag the order with the customers lifetime spend (Excluding current order)
Discount Code - Tags the order with the discount code if one was used
Order Date (DD-MM-YYYY) - Tags the order with the order date in the format DD-MM-YYYY
Order Date (MM-DD-YYYY) - Tags the order with the order date in the format MM-DD-YYYY
Order Date (YYYY-MM-DD) - Tags the order with the order date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Order Name - The order name is generated by combining the order number with the order prefix and suffix which is set in a store's general settings.
Order Number - The order's position in the shop's count of orders starting at 1001
Order Processed Date (MM-DD-YYYY) - Tags the order with the date a workflow criteria matches 
Order Processed Date (YYYY-MM-DD) - Tags the order with the date a workflow criteria matches 
Order Total Amount - Tags the order with the total amount (monetary)
Order Total Weight - Tags the order with the total weight of all items in the order in grams.
Order Total Weight in KG - Tags the order with the total weight of all items in the order in KG
Order Total Weight - Tags the order with the total weight of all items in the order in grams.
Out of Stock Product Variant Ids - Tags the order with the Variant Ids of out of stock variants.
Out of Stock Product Variant SKUs - Tags the order with the SKUs of variants that are out of stock.
Payment Authorization Code - Tags the order with the Payment Gateway Authorization Code from Amazon.
Payment Method - Tag the order with the payment method the customer used.
Product Handle (e.g. product-handle) - Tags the order with the product handle name in each item of the order.
Product and Variant Name - Tags the order with the product name and variant name combined.
Product and Variant Name with quantity (e.g. 3x Product Variant) - Tags the order with the product variant name and quantity in each line item of the order.
Product and Variant Name with quantity (e.g. Product Variant x3) - Tags the order with the product variant name and quantity in each line item of the order.
Product Id - Tags the order with the product id of each line item in the order
Product SKU - Tag the order with the SKU Codes of the products within the order.
Product SKU with quantity (e.g. 3x SKU) - Tags the order with the product SKU and quantity in each line item of the order.
Product SKU with quantity (e.g. SKU x3) - Tags the order with the product SKU and quantity in each line item of the order.
Product Tags - Tag the order with the product tags of products within the order.
Product Title - Tag the order with the title of the product in each line item of the order.
Product Title with quantity (e.g. 3x Product) - Tags the order with the product title and quantity in each line item of the order.
Product Title with quantity (e.g. Product 3x) - Tags the order with the product title and quantity in each line item of the order.
Product Type - Tag the order with the name of the product types for each line item within the order.
Product Variant Barcode - Tag the order with the value of the barcodes of all the line items within the order 
Product Variant Title - Tag the order with the title of the variant in each line item of the order.
Product Variant Title with quantity (e.g. 3x Variant) - Tags the order with the product variant title and quantity in each line item of the order.
Product Variant Title with quantity (e.g. Variant 3x) - Tags the order with the product variant title and quantity in each line item of the order.
Product Vendor - Tag the order with the name of the vendor in each line item in the order
Referring Domain - Tag the order with the URL where that customer came from to land on your website
Referring Path - Tag the order with the referring path that customer came from to land on your website 
Refund Amount - Tag the order with the amount refunded on the order
Refund Reason(s) - Tag the order with the reason for any refund on the order
Shipping address UK County - Tag the order with the UK county of delivery
Shipping address Name - Tag the order with the name used in shipping address
Shipping City - Tags the order with the city, if a required field within the shipping address, e.g. London
Shipping Country - Tags the order with the country specified in the shipping address, e.g. France
Shipping Method - Tag the order with the shipping method the customer selected
Shipping Phone Number - Tags the order with the phone number provided in the shipping address.
Shipping Province Code - Tags the order with the state/province of the shipping address e.g. VA
Shipping Province - Tags the order with the state/province of the shipping address e.g. Virginia
Shipping Zipcode/Postcode - Tags the order with the shipping zip code used in the order
Tag with gift_card if a gift card is used as partial/full payment - Apply the tag 'gift_card' if one has been used against the order
Total quantity of items in the order - Tags the order with the total quantity of items contained within the order
Total Tip Received - Tags the order with the amount of tip that was received from the customer
UTM Campaign (from Landing page)
UTM Content (from Landing page)
UTM Medium (from Landing page)
UTM Source (from Landing page)
UTM Term (from Landing page)
Variant Id - Tags the order with the variant id of each line item in the order

Prefix and Suffix (Optional)

You can also add a prefix or suffix to your dynamic tag to make identifying the tags easier in 3rd Party systems:

e.g. SKU Code: {{ Product SKU }}


There is an option to handleize the dynamic tag before it gets applied to your order.

Select this option if you wish the value of your selected order data to be converted to lowercase and to have spaces and special characters replaced with hyphens prior to being applied as a tag to your order:

Once added, you will see a summary of the dynamic tag that you have selected, along with any tag customisation options that were enabled:

Add as many dynamic tags as you require within the same criteria.

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