Tag orders based on variant title
If you're looking to tag your orders based on the variant title of any of the products purchased within the order, then this is the criteria to use.
What is the variant title?
Merchants create variants within their products for many reasons. Variants can be used to define attributes like color, size, gender, flavor, material, or any number of other attributes used to define a unique version of a product.
The variant_title field within the line item of an order will contain the value of the variant that was purchased.
For example, if a Jumper had been purchased and the variant of the jumper selected was:
Material: Wool / Size: Medium / Colour: Green
...then the Variant Title would be:
Wool / Medium / Green
Using our variant title criteria, Order Tagger can analyze the variant_title field to match a string that you specify.
If therefore, you wished to tag all orders where a Green variant of an item of clothing had been purchased, you could use this criteria to apply a tag where the word Green was found in the variant_title.
How to use the criteria
To create a workflow using this criteria, click on the Create New Workflow button from the main Workflows view:
Click the Add criteria to my workflow button:
The Variant Title criteria can be found within the Orders category in the Select criteria pop-up window:
Click the Use in your workflow button to select this criteria.
You will then be presented with the following conditions to select from:
Criteria Options
The following Criteria options allow you to check the value for various matches:
contains: Does the variant title contain the string you have specified anywhere in the value?
does NOT contain: Does the variant title NOT contain the string you have specified anywhere in the value?
is: Does the variant title exactly match the string you have specified?
is NOT: Does the variant title NOT match the exact string you have specified?
begins with: Does the variant title begin with the string you have specified?
in: Does the variant title match exactly any of the comma-separated list of values? The field accepts a comma separated list of potential values.
Select a criteria option based on what you are trying to identify in your Variant Title.
Popular use case:
For illustration purposes, let's use the example previously given above. We'd like to tag any order that contains a product variant that has a value of Green in the variant title.
Select contains from the available options:
Enter Green as the value.
Choose the name of the tag you'd like to see on all orders that match this workflow and enter it into the Add tags when the workflow matches section. In this example, we have used the tag Green Clothing:
Click on the Add fixed tag button.
It is mandatory to name your workflow to save or edit it. Otherwise, you won't be able to save the changes or even test them. Then, check the summary of your workflow, and if happy, either Test your Workflow against an existing order or hit Save Workflow:
Any new order will now be checked to see if has a variant containing the word Green. If it does, it will be tagged with the name of the fixed tag that you have selected.
This criteria option will work when Backdating your orders.
Dynamic Tagging
The Variant Title value can not currently be applied to the order as a Dynamic Tag.