Zapier and Customer Tagger integration

Great news! Now our Order Tagger app integrates with Zapier.

Please note that this integration is only available in our Growth and Enterprise plans. For more information about our pricing plans, click here.

To get started, you'll need to link your Customer Tagger with Zapier. Click Do more with Customer Tags & Segments by Shop Circle integrations to visit our Customer Tagger template within Zapier.

Enable the Zapier integration in the app through the settings page, and then you copy the API key. 

Go to Zapier Account, and go to my apps in the left side menu. 

Then click add a connection. Search for the tagger app you would like to integrate with and select it. 

Then in the pop-up window, paste the API key and your store domain name and click Yes, Continue.

Zaps are workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a Zap, and an action is an event a Zap performs. 
To set up a workflow in Zapier using our integration, you'll have to select a trigger that kicks off the automated process between your apps. Look for the Custome Tagger trigger:

After the trigger step comes the action, or what you want to happen automatically. A Zap is when your trigger causes an action (A Zap can have up to 100 actions and automate an entire process—not just a single task. 
Our Customer Tagger trigger in Zapier is "When a workflow is initiated". It triggers when a workflow is started in the Customer Tagger app.

Need any help?

If you have any questions regarding our Zapier integration, contact us at

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