Tag orders based on customer tags

If you use customer tags in your Shopify store to help you to segment your customer base, then you may find it useful to tag your orders when a customer with a certain tag places an order.

Our Customer tags criteria can help you to identify orders that have been placed by your VIP customers, your wholesale customers or even those customers who typically return their orders.

Of course, you will need to have a defined customer tagging methodology in place prior to being able to use this criteria, but you can use an app like our Customer Tagger app to help you with your customer tagging workflows.

Let's take a look at how to set-up and use the Customer tags criteria

How to use the criteria

To create a workflow using this criteria, click on the Create New Workflow button from the main Workflows view:

Click the Add criteria to my workflow button:

The Customer tags criteria can be found within the Customer category in the Select criteria pop-up window:

Click the Use in your workflow button on the right to select this criteria.

You will see that there are a number of conditions in the criteria to select from:

Criteria conditions

The following conditions allow you to check the Customer tags for various types of matches:

contain: Checks if ANY of the customer tags assigned to the customer contain the string of text that you specify?does NOT contain: This will check to see if NONE of the customer tags assigned to the customer contain the string of text that you specify?are: Do ANY of the customer tags assigned to the customer match exactly the tag name that you specify?are NOT: Does the tag name that you specify NOT match exactly ANY of the customer tags assigned to the customer?are any of: Do any of the customer tags in the order match exactly any of the comma separated list of values you have specified?are NOT any of: Do NONE of the customer tags in the order match exactly any of the comma separated list of values you have specified?

Select a criteria condition based on what you are trying to identify in your Customer tags criteria.

Adding Tags

Fixed Tags

Choose the name of the tag you'd like to see on all orders that match this workflow and enter it into the FIXED TAGS TO BE APPLIED option:

Dynamic Tags

If you'd like to apply all of the Customer Tags belonging to the customer as order tags, then we have a Dynamic Tag that you can configure to do this.

Go to the DYNAMIC TAGS TO BE APPLIED option within the workflow builder and click on the Add dynamic tag button:

Click on the Select the order attribute to use for this tag dropdown:

and select the Customer Tags option:

Select a tag prefix or suffix if required and then click on the Add Dynamic Tag button:

That's it, all Customer Tags belonging to the customer will now be applied as order tags if the workflow matches:

Saving your workflow

It's worth giving your workflow a name to help you identify it at a later date, so add a workflow name in the New Workflow section, check the summary of your workflow and if happy, either Test your Workflow or hit Save Workflow:

Will this workflow work with Backdating?

Yes, this workflow is available to backdate using our backdating service.

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