Appending tags to the order note field

Please Note:

Order notes are different to Order attributes (Additional details).

Order notes (available in most Shopify themes) allow Merchants to capture specific information from the customer as to how to prepare or fulfill their order. Order notes are usually captured via a text input area at the bottom of the cart page prior to checkout, e.g. see the Special instructions for seller text field in the image below:


When enabled, if all of the criteria within a workflow are met, the append tags to the order note field feature will append any fixed or/and dynamic tags specified within the workflow to the bottom of your Order Notes field.

How do I enable the Order Notes feature?

The feature is available within the Add tags when the workflow matches section of the workflow builder, underneath the Dynamic tags to be applied field:


What will be appended to the notes section?

The tags will be appended to the Order Notes field in the following format:

Tags: my order tag

If multiple tags are applied to the order, they will be comma-separated.

If tags are appended to existing tags then it will be in the following format:

Tags: my first order tag, my second order tag
Tags: my appended third order tag

Here is how the Order Notes field will appear in the Shopify Admin area:



By default, we will prefix the tags to be applied to your Order Notes field with the word Tags:

If you would like to remove or change this prefix, then you can do so in the main Settings area of the Order Tagger app:


Clear the field if you'd prefer to apply your tags to the Order Notes without a prefix.

Will this overwrite existing Order Note data?

In short, no. We will only ever append the tag information at the end of any existing data in the Order Notes field.

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