Notify the admin team when a serial returner places an order

This article aims to explain how to tag Customers who return items to your store using Customer Tagger and then tag new orders placed by those customers using Shopify Flow.

Article quick links

  1. Why highlight Serial Returners
  2. How to set-up the workflow in Customer Tagger
  3. Notifying the admin team when orders are placed by Serial Returners
  4. Flow template
  5. Need any help?

Why highlight Serial Returners?

Many customers buy online with an explicit plan to immediately return some or all of their purchased items. Customer returns can often attack your profit margins, cut your conversion rates and ultimately threaten your business.

We can't do anything to identify serial returners that are new to your store as they have no purchase history with you, but we can highlight customers that request a refund on one or all items by applying a Customer tag to their record.

How to set-up the workflow in Customer Tagger

To create a workflow using this criteria, click on the Create New Workflow button from the main Workflows view:

To identify customers that have been refunded, you will need to select our when a refund is issued trigger. This trigger will then listen out for the refunds/create webhook from Shopify:

When you authorise ANY type of refund on an order in your Shopify store, whether it be a line item refund, a shipping cost refund, or even an ad hoc refund, this trigger will be fired and your workflow will be executed.

Let's explore the available options you have for configuring the rest of your refund workflow.

Tag the customer if any part of the order is refunded

To tag a customer when ANY type of refund has been made on an order, whether full or partial, scroll down to the Fixed Tags section of the workflow builder and type in the name of the tag that you'd like to be applied:

Click on the Add fixed tag button.

Tag the customer if their order has been fully refunded

If you'd like to apply a tag to customers who request a full refund on their order, then you will need to configure some additional criteria within your workflow.

Click the Add criteria to my workflow button:

Select the Financial Status of the order criteria from the Transaction category in the Select criteria pop-up window:

From the available options in the Financial Status criteria, select The payments have been refunded (refunded) option:

Scroll down to the Fixed Tags section of the workflow builder and type in the name of the tag that you'd like to be applied to these Customers:

Click on the Add fixed tag button.

Tag the customer if their order has been partially refunded

If you'd like to apply a tag to customers who request a partial refund, where only certain items have been refunded, then you will need to configure some additional criteria within your workflow.

Click the Add criteria to my workflow button:

As before, select the Financial Status of the order criteria from the Transaction category in the Select criteria pop-up window:

This time, from the available options in the Financial Status of the order criteria, select The payments have been partially refunded (partially_refunded) option:

Scroll down to the Fixed Tags section of the workflow builder and type in the name of the tag that you'd like to be applied to these Customers:

Click on the Add fixed tag button.

Saving and naming your workflow

It's worth giving your workflow a name to help you identify it at a later date, so add a workflow name in the New Workflow section, check the summary of your workflow and if happy, either Test your Workflow against an existing order or hit Save Workflow:

Depending on your preference, Customers who either partially or fully return orders will now be tagged with Serial Returner.

Notifying the admin team when orders are placed by Serial Returners

To notify the admin team when new orders are placed by Customers tagged with Serial Returner, we need to move over to Shopify Flow and create a new workflow with an action to send an email. We can also tag the order within Shopify Flow so that it is highlighted for all team members to see.

From Shopify Flow, you need to create a workflow just like the one below.

Click on the Create workflow from template button and customise the workflow with the name of your tag (if different to Serial Returner) and update the details to be contained within the email to suit your needs.

Remember to save and enable the workflow.

That's it! Your Customer Tagger workflow and Shopify Flow Workflow are now live!

30 seconds after a workflow has been processed by Order Tagger, your Workflow in Shopify Flow will be triggered.

Need any help?

If you have any questions about setting up the workflow in Customer Tagger or customising the workflow in Shopify Flow, contact us at

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